Publicly Available Data
Two types of Data Center-generated reports are available to the public:
Foster Care Profile reports: The Foster Care Profile is a set reports that contain aggregate data on systemic child welfare trends in individual states and counties. The reports provide essential information on admission trends, timeliness to permanency, placement type and stability, re-entry to foster care, and caseload going back over the most recent eight years.
Hot Spot reports: The Hot Spot program provides risk-adjusted, county-level performance outcomes on core child welfare indicators. These reports enable states to observe how individual county performance compares to state- and national-level outcomes after controlling for influential child, placement, and county factors.
The Foster Care Profile and Hot Spot reports began as components of the FCDA web tool. The reports are still housed there, providing Data Center members with quick access to statewide trends and enabling them to analyze how outcomes on key indicators vary within their states from county to county. Because transparency promotes ongoing quality improvement in child welfare, we recently began an initiative encouraging our members to make these aggregate data accessible to the public through a web-based portal. The goal of this effort is to provide systemic child welfare information to a wider range of stakeholders in order to stimulate the advocacy, brainstorming, and collaboration necessary to improve outcomes for children in foster care and their families.
If your state is a member of the Data Center and you are interested in making your state’s Foster Care Profile and Hot Spot reports more widely available, or if you are from a non-member state and want to learn more about joining the Data Center and taking part in this initiative, please contact us.
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