Category: Data Center News
Chapin Hall and the Center for State Child Welfare Data are pleased to offer Advanced Analytics for Child Welfare Administration from June 17-19, 2019 in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Due to popular demand, we have designed this particular iteration of the course specifically for members of the Illinois child welfare community. The class is designed expressly to help public and private agency managers build skills in using administrative data to make informed policy and practice decisions and improve outcomes for the children and families in their care. Who should take Advanced Analytics? This course is designed for public and private agency child welfare managers who work directly with information resources and who are in a position to influence the use of information in their organization. The course is targeted specifically to those in leadership positions who are empowered to facilitate best practices in measurement and evidence-based decision making within their child welfare agencies. Advanced Analytics is… Read more >
Webinar recap: Evidence-Based Decision Support for the Social Sector
Friday, September 7, 2018 1:00 – 2:00 PM ET Click HERE to register In partnership with the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities, researchers from Chapin Hall’s Center for State Child Welfare Data will discuss how they have worked with private child welfare agencies to support evidence-based policy and practice decision-making. Presenters will give examples of tools and techniques that the Data Center has implemented with other organizations, covering three types of work central to the problem solving challenges that agencies face today: Performance measurement. Here we will talk about the Data Center’s work with Necco — a foster care provider agency operating in Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Georgia — to develop a performance measurement system that enabled the organization to measure mission-critical outcomes, identify opportunities for improvement, and track change over time. Implementing theoretically sound interventions. In this segment, we will discuss the Data Center’s work with the nationally renowned… Read more >