The Impact of Youth Villages’ Intercept Program on Placement Prevention: A Second Look
Reassessing Youth Villages’ Intercept® Program with Recent Data Following their report from last year, Scott Huhr and Fred Wulczyn report findings from their reassessment on the impact of Intercept using Tennessee DCS administrative data to examine a more recent period. Intercept is an intensive in-home services program that targets families with children at risk of placement. Key features of the program include program intensity (meeting with families an average of three times weekly), low staff caseloads of 4 – 5 families, active 24/7 on-call structure, and structured weekly supervision and consultation from a licensed clinician who is an expert in the model. The state of Tennessee, which offers Intercept in various counties around the state, commissioned the study. As before, results indicate that Intercept does significantly reduce the odds of placement. You can download the Executive Summary, or read below. You can also download the full paper here. Executive Summary… Read more >