Application period open: Advanced Analytics for Child Welfare Administration
November 17-21, 2014
Chicago, Illinois
In partnership with Casey Family Programs, Chapin Hall and the Center for State Child Welfare Data are pleased to offer Advanced Analytics for Child Welfare Administration, a five-day course for child welfare managers, on November 17-21, 2014, in Chicago, Illinois. The purpose of the course is to enable participants to become critical consumers and users of child welfare administrative data as a means toward making continuous quality improvements in their organizations.
Who should take Advanced Analytics?
Advanced Analytics is designed for public or private agency child welfare managers who work directly with information resources or who are in a position to influence the use of information in their organization. New or experienced child welfare managers in policy, finance, program, quality improvement, research, and computing are encouraged to apply. Advanced Analytics is particularly recommended for individuals seeking or beginning a career as a child welfare manager or a policymaker within public, private, or advocacy organizations. At this time, Advanced Analytics is not open to teachers, professors, or full-time students.
What will I learn in Advanced Analytics?
Advanced Analytics builds on the Center for State Child Welfare Data’s introductory Administrative Data Institutes that were offered to child welfare agency managers starting in the early 1990s. The principles and skills taught in Advanced Analytics were developed at the Center over the past two decades and span three domains: computing, statistics and research, and the integration of research with policy and practice. Chapin Hall delivered the first week-long Advanced Analytics course in Chicago in October 2007 and has delivered eleven more since then.
The coursework covers best practices in performance measurement in child welfare. Participants learn state-of-the art methods for transforming longitudinal administrative data into evidence to support child welfare decision making, program planning, and outcomes monitoring. To maximize skill-building, participants complete independent homework assignments and meet one-on-one with course instructors. Members of the Center for State Child Welfare Data may work with their state’s Foster Care Event and Spell File as a means toward understanding analytic principles and methods.
What policy applications are explored in Advanced Analytics?
Over the course of the week, techniques for transforming data to evidence are applied to a variety of policy and practice topics, including:
- The role of evidence in the Continuous Quality Improvement process
- Thinking systematically about child welfare performance: From investigations to permanency
- Effective communication of child welfare outcomes
- Developing baseline and target expectations to test the effect of innovation
- Evaluating contract agency performance
- Understanding racial disparities
- Using longitudinal information to inform in the budget process
How much does Advanced Analytics cost?
Participants accepted for the course will receive full support for tuition, room, and most meals. Travel, ground transportation, and three evening meals are the responsibility of the student.
How do I apply to Advanced Analytics?
Download the application materials using the links below.
The course is limited to eighteen participants. Admission is selective, based on professional responsibility, analytic and computing skills, and the content of the individual’s recommendation. Candidates must complete an application form, submit a resume or CV, and include a recommendation from a supervisor at their current organization. Certification that travel funds will be available and that the applicant will be released from all job responsibilities during the five-day course is also required.
Please submit your application to Rosemary Gill at
Applications are due by Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at 5 pm ET.
To facilitate the review process, interested applicants should send an email to Rosemary Gill at indicating their intention to apply at the time they begin to prepare an application. Applicants will receive notification of acceptance no later than Monday, October 13, 2014. Accepted applicants will be expected to confirm participation by Monday, October 20, 2014.
For more information about the course, contact Jennifer Haight ( or Britany Orlebeke (
- Flyer and Preliminary Schedule (msword)
- Application Form (msword)
- Recommendation Form (msword)
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